Lime Slaker


Product Lime Slaker
Type Drum type Slaker with Rake mechanism Compact Slaker with Screw mechanism
Category Chemical conversion to have Milk of lime, a grit free supernant
Industry to Cater Minerals and Metals, Pulp & Paper, Organic chemicals,  ETP’s and process treatment plants.
Process Application Milk of Lime slurry of specific density (GPL)


Raw material as Feed: Quick Lime and or Hydrated lime.
  Drum Slaker Compact Slaker
Process Quick Lime less than 65-70% as lime purity Hydrated Lime more or equal to 90% as lime purity
Equipment: Drum Slaker with Rake Mechanism Compact Slaker with Screw Mechanism
Accessories Storage tanks with agitation/ Causticizer Storage tanks with agitation/ Causticizer
Overall Plant Lime Bin, Table feeder, Dedusting & scrubbing system, Slaker, Grit removal system, Storage or causticizers. Lime Bin, Table feeder, Dedusting & scrubbing system, Slaker, Grit removal system, Storage or causticizers.
Capacity Sizing to suit requirement Sizing to suit requirement


  1. Concept, process flow sheet, equipment selection, sizing and supply
  2. Refurbishment and overhauling of existing system
  3. Capacity enhancement, troubleshooting & fine tuning

Salient Features:

  • Compact System with higher conversion ratio and improved efficiency
  • Dedusting/ Scrubbing systems is incorporated
  • Storage tank with efficient agitation system and baffles
  • Lime Slurry or Milk of lime with desired concentration, free of grit and unburnt lime
  • Batch or continuous operation with 100% equipment availability.
  • Manual or Semi-automated, can be integrated with existing PLC/DCS

Downstream Process:

  1. Causticizer series for retention & reaction completion
  2. White liquor/ Green Liquor (Milk of lime slurry) clarifier
  3. Slurry transfer system (Air operated diaphragm pumps)
  4. Lime mud Thickener
  5. Lime mud filter (Rotary Vacuum Drum Filter)
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